Kid Friendly Waffle Bacon Grilled Cheese Eggo

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Eggo waffle bacon grilled cheese breakfast sandwhich

Breakfast sandwiches are a great option for parents who need a quick meal for their family. The benefits of breakfast sandwiches go beyond just ease of preparation, they also make it mighty difficult to make a mess. While messes may be less likely they will not be completely avoidable. If your kids are anything like mine you are bound to experience a mess at some point no matter how many precautions are taken. If you are looking for an easy to make kid friendly breakfast sandwich to add to your arsenal of easy recipes that your kids will love, you need to try this Eggo waffle bacon grilled cheese sandwich.

You won’t need much to make this and it takes hardly any time at all. The most difficult part is preparing the bacon which these days can be as easy as firing up your trustee microwave. Here is what you will need to make a your kids an Eggo waffle bacon grilled cheese breakfast sandwich.


The ingredients list for this recipe is extremely straightforward. You really only need three different items to make this breakfast sandwich.

  • Box of buttermilk or homestyle Eggo waffles
  • Sliced cheese of your choice
  • Bacon of your choice

Once you have all of your ingredients rounded up, here is how you will make the recipe into a reality.

How to make Eggo waffle bacon grilled cheese breakfast sandwiches

Making this one of a kind and easy to make breakfast couldn’t be easier. Well technically it could but this is just really easy. Here are the instructions:

  1. The most time consuming portion of this recipe is cooking the bacon. Depending on the style of bacon you select you may need to either cook the bacon in a frying pan or pop the strips into a microwave. Follow the instructions on the bacon and cook them.
  2. While the bacon is cooking, take your frozen Eggo waffles out of the package and pop them in your toaster. You should cook them to your liking. If you like your waffles softer toast them for less time. If you like them more crisp toast them longer.
  3. Once the bacon is done cooking and the waffles are toasted, take two waffles and put them on a plate, put the cooked bacon onto one of the waffles then take a slice, or two, of cheese and drape it over the bacon. Make sure you do this as soon as the bacon and waffles are done cooking so the cheese melts.
  4. After the cheese has been placed over the hot bacon, put the other waffle on the top of the cheese to complete the sandwich.

When I made these Eggo waffle bacon grilled cheese breakfast sandwiches for my children they absolutely loved them. They are always asking for them but I try to throw some healthier options there way so they don’t get into some bad eating habits. If your kids don’t like bacon this recipe may not be the best choice. You could also swap out the bacon with sausage patties if you would prefer.

Comment below and share your thoughts about this recipe! I would love to hear from you!

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Meet Brandi

Hey there my name is Brandi and I am a lifestyle and travel blogger in Nashville, Tennessee. I have lived in Nashville my whole life and love sharing my experiences.